歌手头像-Lana Del Rey

Fucked My Way Up To The Top

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音樂人: Lana Del Rey

供譜者: reecho   |  +10522   |  貢獻: 1198217
Lana Del Rey - Fucked My Way Up To The Top
Ultraviolence - 2014

w/ Capo 3rd

Em         G            D
Life is awesome, I confess
       A         Em
What I do, I do best
          G             D
You got nothing, I got tested
        A         Em
And I'm best, yes
       G          D       A              Em
Lay me down tonight in my linen and curls
       G          D    A           Em          
Lay me down tonight, Riviera girls

            G             D
I fucked my way up to the top
A              Em
This is my show
            G             D
I fucked my way up to the top
Go, baby, go
Em      Bm      G
Go, go, go, go, go
This is my show
Em      Bm      G
Go, go, go, go, go
This is my show

Em - Bm - G - D

Em      G             D    
I'm a dragon, you're a whore
           A                         Em
Don't even know what you're good for
        G                 D       A
Mimicking me is a fucking bore to me
But babe
       G          D      A                  Em
Lay me down tonight in my diamonds and pearls
        G            D           A           Em
Tell me songs at night about your favorite girl

            G             D
I fucked my way up to the top
A              Em
This is my show
            G             D
I fucked my way up to the top
Go, baby, go
Em      Bm      G
Go, go, go, go, go
This is my show
Em      Bm      G
Go, go, go, go, go
This is my show

Em                    Bm
Need you baby, like I breathe you, baby
G                    D
Need you baby, more, more, more, more
Em                    Bm
Need you baby, like I breathe you, baby
G                           D                   Em
Said I need you baby, more, more, more more

       G          D       A              Em
Lay me down tonight in my linen and curls
        G          D          A            Em
Lay me down tonight, I'm your favorite girl

            G             D
I fucked my way up to the top
A              Em
This is my show
            G             D
I fucked my way up to the top
Go, baby, go
Em      Bm      G
Go, go, go, go, go
This is my show
Em      Bm      G
Go, go, go, go, go
This is my show

Em                    Bm
Need you baby, like I breathe you, baby
G                    D
Need you baby, more, more, more, more
Em                    Bm
Need you baby, like I breathe you, baby  
G     D         Em
ahahahah       ahhh


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