編配者:Anson Chung Tin Li(guitarians.com) --------------------------------------------------- Key=C |C |Em |F G |C |C |Em |F G |C C Em () I want to sing you a (song) F G C about (me) and you (went) to Kowloon()Tong C Em () we have to be very (strong) F G C if we (want) to do (some)thing very()wrong |C |Em |F G |C |C |Em |F G |C F G C Am 我(們)終於(去)到了(九)龍(塘) F G C 在(城)大旁(的)酒店爆(房) F G C Am 你臉(上)沒有(一)點點(的)徬(徨) F G C 我(們)都(似)是很開(放) C Em () I want to sing you a (song) F G C about (me) and you (went) to Kowloon()Tong C Em () we have to be very (strong) F G7 C if we (want) to do (some)thing very()wrong |F G |C Am |F G |C |F G |C Am |F G |C F G C Am 我(們)打開(房)便見到(一)張(牀) F G C 然(後)才開(始)覺有點(慌) F G C Am 我(在)想應(否)真(的)行(房) F G C 這(樣)會否(破)壞了交(往) F G C 我(們)會否(繼)續再交(往)